Hansard Index & Highlights
Hansard 5th Session, Nov. 15, 2022 to Dec. 1, 2022. (12 days) Legislature resumes March 1, 2023

Hansard 4th Session, Nov. 23, 2021 to Nov. 14, 2022

Time to level the playing field for Manitoba Consumers. Bill 216 – Right to Repair (Electronics) Re-introduction. (Private Members)
November 30, 2022 Petition on Home Security System Rebates. Time to add another tool to help protect public safety.
Every Manitoban deserves safe drinking water. The Province needs to take leadership on the lead pipe replacement challenge.
Time for the Province to take a leadership position on the Louise Bridge Replacement issue. October 12, 2022 Private Member’s Statement – Louise Bridge Replacement
May 16, 2022
Bill 216–The Consumer
Protection Amendment Act
(Right to Repair Electronic Products)
Mr. Jim Maloway (Elmwood): I move, seconded by
the member for Flin Flon (MLA Lindsey), that the
consumer protection amendment act, right to repair,
now be read a first time.
Mr. Deputy Speaker: It has been moved by the hon-
ourable member for Elmwood, seconded by the hon-
ourable member for Flin Flon, that Bill 216, The
Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Right to
Repair Electronic Products), be now read a first time.
Mr. Maloway: This right-to-repair legislation em-
powers Manitoba consumers and fosters sustainability
by requiring manufacturers of electronic devices and
appliances to make manuals, parts and tools necessary
for repairs available to consumers and independent re-
pair shops at a reasonable price. If not, the manu-
facturers must replace products.
Products covered by this right-to-repair legisla-
tion would include smartphones, tablets, laptops,
washers, dryers, refrigerators. Manitoba consumers
would have the same right to repair as consumers in
the European Union have, beginning in 2022.
Canada produces 750,000 tons of electronic waste
annually, and right-to-repair legislation will be a giant
step forward in reducing this waste by giving
Manitobans access to products that are made better
and last longer.
May 24, 2022 Petitions. Catalytic Converter Engraving Credit
Mr. Jim Maloway (Elmwood): I wish to present the
following petition to the Legislative Assembly.
The background to the–this petition is as follows:
(1) Spike in catalytic converter thefts occurring
across North America has hit Winnipeg. The price of
precious metals in catalytic converters like rhodium,
palladium and platinum are worth thousands of dollars
an ounce. Scrap metal recyclers have catalytic
converters priced to the vehicle, with some catalytic
converters worth $800.
(2) Organized groups of criminals are climbing
under vehicles and cutting catalytic converters, selling
them to scrap metal recyclers for cash without any
record of these transactions.
(3) Catalytic converter thefts cost consumers
about $2,000 for each replacement. Manitoba Public
Insurance charges a betterment fee for new replace-
ments, so insurance doesn’t cover the full cost.
(4) Catalytic converters do not have any part
number or vehicle identification number, VIN
number, and the inability to tie a catalytic converter to
a specific vehicle is a major enforcement issue.
(5) Engraving of a vehicle’s VIN on its catalytic
converter would be a major deterrent to theft by tying
the vehicle to the part and making enforcement
We petition the Legislative Assembly of
Manitoba as follows:
To urge the provincial government to bring in
consumer protection legislation, directing Manitoba
Public Insurance to initiate credits to Manitobans for
engraving vehicle identification numbers on their
catalytic converters.
And this petition is signed by many, many
April 11, 2022. Private Member’s Statement on John King