City of Winnipeg’s lead testing and control programs information: https://legacy.winnipeg.ca/WaterAndWaste/water/lead.stm
City of Winnipeg’s Identifying Pipe Fixtures Information: https://legacy.winnipeg.ca/waterandwaste/water/identifyingPipesFixtures.stm
November 13, 2024
Monday, October 28, 2024
Members’ Statements

Winnipeg Free Press Community Review – January 3, 2024
Excerpt from article “East Winnipeg MLAs plan for the year ahead”. By: Sheldon Birnie, Simon Fuller staff reporters.
Jim Maloway (Elmwood) — The City of Winnipeg needs to press forward on the Louise Bridge replacement issue. While the 112-year-old bridge is in the queue, and the site chosen as part of its Eastern Corridor (Rapid Transit) project, our aging infrastructure is catching up with us. The 25,000 daily users of the old Louise Bridge don’t want to be the next victims of a future closure.
Elmwood residents are also served by an aging sewer system, which places them at high risk for sewer backup, not to mention the sewage overflows pouring into the Red River and beyond. The city needs to move faster on separating our combined sewer systems, which they do in tandem with street renewal. Where can you find an issue that solves so many problems? We can prevent basement flooding and overflow sewage into the river, while paving your pothole-filled street. And while we are doing this, we can help 2,500 families in Elmwood replace their lead pipes connecting from their basement to the city-owned main lines and reduce the clear and present danger of lead levels to their health, as warned by Health Canada.
Thirdly, I’ll continue to advocate for approved home and business security protection system rebates so residents get some financial help to feel safe in their own homes.
Private Member’s Statement, May 17, 2023 – GlenElm Neighbourhood Association’s Town Hall on Climate Change.
On May 12th, the GlenElm Neighbourhood Association held a Town Hall on Climate Change. Congratulations to this vibrant and creative neighbourhood association for bringing into focus the things we can do on a local level to build a sustainable future.
Please complete our other surveys if you haven’t already done so. Below you’ll find my Louise Bridge Site Survey 2022, Diagnostic Lab Testing Closures Survey and Cancercare Outpatient Services at Concordia Hospital Closure Survey.

With Spring around the corner, we are planning another Garden Seed drop-off in your mailbox once the
weather permits! Last year we distributed over 20,000 seed packets to Elmwood residents. We plan on another drop-off as soon as weather permits in Spring 2023! We’d love to see a picture of your results, too!
Thursday, Nov. 4th & Wednesday, Nov 9th at University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) picket lines: Fighting for a Fair Deal.

Visiting the picket lines at the University of Manitoba campuses. Top right: U of M – Bannatyne Campus, Nov 4th, with striking members of the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA). Bottom Picture: At U of M – Main Campus, Nov. 9th, with Councillor Jason Schreyer (3rd from left) and UMFA members at the University of Manitoba.
We need a government that strengthens our universities, not interferes with them. The PCs need to end Pallister’s wage freeze mandates and allow free and fair negotiations so students can finish their education and we can recruit and retrain staff.
News Stories:

Jim Maloway Elmwood MLA Reports on the Louise Bridge Replacement Issue:
Friday, October 22, 2021 : https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/our-communities/herald/correspondent/New-Louise-Bridge-update–so-far-so-good-575585251.html
Monday, September 27, 2021: https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/our-communities/herald/correspondent/The-Louise—a-troubled-bridge-over-waters-575388001.html
Elmwood residents’ comments added.

Elmwood residents’ comments added.